Tips and Words 13

Tip of the Day: 61 Than

-> For comparisons between two objects use the comparative form followed by "than".

Example Sentences:

• English is easier to learn than Russian.
• Children are more nimble than adults.

Word of the Day: 61 mercy - noun

-> kindness toward those who should be punished; the power to be kind or to pardon.
-> Without any protection against; helpless before:

Example Sentences:

• Please show mercy on your prisoners.
• The warrior promised no mercy.

Tip of the Day: 62 Could - Was Able To

-> "Could" is the past of can which expresses ability and permission. "Was able to" expresses the same idea, but is often used for a specific situation.

Example Sentences:

• She couldn't attend that class last semester.
• He wasn't able to buy tickets for the concert on Saturday.

Word of the Day: 62 lonely - adjective

-> feeling alone and wanting friends; visited by few or no people

Example Sentences:

• Living in the woods can lead to feeling lonely.
• I hope you aren't lonely in your new location.

Tip of the Day: 63 Future Predictions

-> We use the future with "will" to make future predictions.

Example Sentences:

• I doubt she will the election next year.
• Who do you think will win the game?

Word of the Day: 63 seize - verb

-> to take quickly by force; to take control of quickly; to arrest

Example Sentences:

• The police seized the contraband at the border.
• He seized the computer controls and took command of the situation.

Tip of the Day: 64 In Front Of - Behind / Before - After

-> "In front of" indicates physical space. The opposite is "behind". "Before" indicates time. The opposite is "after".

Example Sentences:

• He stood in front of the class.
• Let's have lunch before the meeting.

Word of the Day: 64 fair - adjective

-> just; honest; what is right

Example Sentences:

• Remember be fair. It's not about winning.
• The judge was extremely fair in his sentence

Word of the Day 65: evaporate - verb

-> to change from a liquid into a gas

Example Sentences:

• The water evaporated in the hot summer sun.
• How quickly does salt water evaporate?

Tip of the Day: 65 Present Perfect Passive Voice

-> "Have been made / done / built " is the present perfect passive form used for actions completed up to the present moment in time.

Example Sentences:

• All the assignments have been completed on time.
• This product has been manufactured in Iowa since 1943.
