Identifying Time

There are some words you might hear in questions about time:

How much longer
How long
What time
On time
Morning, noon, afternoon, evening, night
At 1:00, 2:30 ...
Today, this week, this month, this year...
Yesterday, last week, last month, last year...

********** English Word of the Day **********
Word of the Day: 14 evidence - noun
from Kenneth Beare

^ Definition:
-> material or facts that prove something; a reason for believing

^ Example Sentences:
- There was no evidence of any crime.
- Have you enough evidence (of his guilt) to arrest him?
- The detective searched the scene for evidence.

********** English Learning Tip of the Day **********
Tip of the Day: 14 If he were ...
from Kenneth Beare

^ If he were ...
-> Use "were" in the second conditional if clause for all subjects.

^ Example Sentences:
- If he were the boss, we'd all have more to do.
- I would change my position if I were you.
