Tips and Words 7

Tip of the Day: 31 Reported Speech

-> In reported speech go one step back into the past and change the time signifier as well as the pronoun.

Example Sentences:

"I'm going to the supermarket." BECOMES He said he was going to the supermarket.
"She's seeing him tomorrow." BECOMES She said she was seeing him the next day.

Word of the Day: 31 urge - verb

-> to advise strongly; to make a great effort to get someone to do something

Example Sentences:

- I urge you to get plenty of sleep before the tournament.
- His teacher urged him to study hard for the test.

Tip of the Day: 32 Should or Shouldn't

-> Use "should" or "shouldn't" as a modal verb to give advice.

Example Sentences:

• He should get a check up soon. He doesn't look too well.
• His mother told him he shouldn't worry about the test.

Word of the Day: 32 shelter - verb / noun

-> to protect or give protection to; n. something that gives protection; a place of safety

Example Sentences:

• He gave shelter to lost animals.
• This building will shelter us from the rain.


Word of the Day: 33 manufacture - verb

->to make goods in large amounts

Example Sentences:

• That factory manufactures basketballs.
• Our plants in Georgia manufacture t-shirts.

Tip of the Day: 33 Preposition + Verb

-> Always use the gerund when the verb is the object of a preposition

Example Sentences:

• What shall we do? - How about visiting Tom!
• I looked into purchasing a new computer.

Word of the Day: 34 propose - verb

-> to present or offer for consideration

Example Sentences:

• I'd like to propose a toast to John and his new bride Jane!
• Jennifer proposed a new addition to the staff.

Tip of the Day: 34 Interested In

-> The correct usage of showing interest is a passive infinitive "to be interested in".

Example Sentences:

• They are interested in geography.
• Was he interested in coming to the presentation?

Tip of the Day: 35 Good and Bad

-> The comparative form for "good" is "better". The superlative form is "the best". The comparative form for "bad" is "worse". The superlative form is "the worst".

Example Sentences:

• She is the worst tennis player on the team.
• He's better at math than Jack, but worse at geography.

Word of the Day: 35 loan - noun

-> money borrowed that usually must be returned with interest payments; something borrowed

Example Sentences:

• I will repay my loan at the end of the month.
• John finished paying off his loan last week.
