Words and Tips 4

Tip of the Day: 16 Past Passive

-> The passive voice simple past is formed: Passive Subject + to be (conjugated) + participle

Example Sentences:

• One thousand units were produced last month.
• The application form was completed and submitted to the administration.

Word of the Day: 16 smash - verb

-> to break or be broken into small pieces by force; to hit or move with force

Example Sentences:

• The young boy smashed his mother's favorite vase.
• Be careful or you'll smash into a tree!


Tip of the Day: 17 Shall

-> Use "shall" with "we" when asking for suggestions for a group.

Example Sentences:

• Where shall we go tonight?
• When shall we meet?

Word of the Day: 17 leak - verb

-> to come out of or to escape through a small opening or hole (usually a gas or liquid)

Example Sentences:

• The hose is leaking. Get some tape to cover the hole up.
• I think your cup might be leaking.

Tip of the Day: 18 Say and Tell

-> We use "say" without an object. "Tell" on the other hand takes an object - i.e. He told me.

Example Sentences:

• I told her to hurry up.
• I said I was coming soon.

Word of the Day: 18 bright - adjective

->giving much light; strong and clear in color

Example Sentences:

• Could you turn that light in the other direction? It's much too bright.
• The sun is very bright today.

Tip of the Day: 19 Among or Between

-> Use the preposition "among" to mean "in the middle of many" and "between" to mean "in the middle of two".

Example Sentences:

• Our house in among many.
• That's our house between the school and the playground.

Word of the Day: 19 cooperate - verb

-> to act or work together

Example Sentences:

• Let's cooperate and get this work done quickly.
• She agreed to cooperate with the police to help catch the criminal.

Tip of the Day: 20 Have to

-> Use "have to" for everyday obligation and responsibilities.

Example Sentences:

• Jack has to get up at seven every morning.
• Students have to complete all assigned homework on time.

Word of the Day: 20 sympathy - noun

-> a sharing of feelings or emotions with another person, usually feelings of sadness

Example Sentences:

• I felt a great deal of sympathy for his difficult position.
• She expressed her sympathy at our loss.

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