Tips and Words 9

Word of the Day: 41 valley - noun

-> a long area of land between higher areas of land

Example Sentences:

• The valley was green and lovely.
• The glacier entered the valley more than 50,000 years ago.

Tip of the Day: 41 Interested or Interesting?

-> Remember to use the "-ed" form of the adjective to describe how people are affected. In this case, "bored by" is the only correct combination of adjective and preposition.

Example Sentences:

• That documentary was very interesting.
• Tim was interested in the project.

Tip of the Day: 42 Put Off

-> The phrasal verb "to put off" means "to postpone". "Put off" is a separable phrasal verb.

Example Sentences:

• He put the meeting off until tomorrow.
• Can I put that off until next week?

Word of the Day: 42 raise - verb

-> to lift up; to move to a higher position; to cause to grow; to increase

Example Sentences:

• He raised the glass in a toast to his best friend.
• We'll raise profits with this new product.

Tip of the Day: 43 Past Perfect - Had Done

-> Use the past perfect - had + participle - to express an action finished before another action in the past.

Example Sentences:

• He had finished his homework by the time she arrived.
• I had spoken with Peter before I talked to Bob about the deal.

Word of the Day: 43 stretch - verb

-> to extend for a distance; to pull on to make longer or wider

Example Sentences:

• Stretch for five minutes before you exercise.
• He stretched his legs before he began the race.

Tip of the Day: 44 How do you do?

Use the question "How do you do?" when meeting a person for the first time. Use "How are you?" after that.

Example Sentences:

• How do you do? - It's a pleasure to meet you.
• How are you today Tom? - I'm fine.

Word of the Day: 44 plenty - noun

-> all that is needed; a large enough amount

Example Sentences:

• There is plenty for everyone.
• His life provided him with plenty.

Tip of the Day: 45 Have to or Must?

-> Use "must" for strong obligations at the moment of speaking. Use "have to" for daily responsibilities.

Example Sentences:

• I have to catch a train for work every morning.
• I must get going. It's late!

Word of the Day: 45 launch - verb

-> to put into operation; to begin; to send into the air or space

Example Sentences:

• We launched the new business at the Web 2.0 conference.
• NASA is going to launch a new rocket next week.
