
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using ProjectHistoryCollector.Bussiness;

namespace ProjectHistoryCollector.UI
public partial class Employee : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


protected void btInsert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

string Id = tbId.Text;
string Name = tbName.Text;
string Descriptions = tbDescriptions.Text;

EmployeeService empService = new EmployeeService();




using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Xml.Linq;

namespace ProjectHistoryCollector.Bussiness
public class Employee
public string EmployeeId;
public string EmployeeName;
public string EmployeeDescription;
//public Employee()

//public Hvien(int mansd)
// MaNSD = mansd;
public Employee(string empId, string empName, string empDescriptions)
EmployeeId = empId;
EmployeeName = empName;
EmployeeDescription = empDescriptions;


using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Xml.Linq;

namespace ProjectHistoryCollector.Bussiness
public class EmployeeService
//Phương thức thêm mới học viên
public void insert_Employee(string employeeId, string Employeename, string EmployeeDescriptions)
DataAccess.DataEmployee employee = new DataAccess.DataEmployee();
employee.sp_Add_Employee(employeeId, Employeename, EmployeeDescriptions);


using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Reflection;

namespace ProjectHistoryCollector.DataAccess
public class SQLCommandGeneral
void New()
string ReturnValueParameterName = "RETURN_VALUE";
public SqlCommand GenerateCommand(SqlConnection Connection, MethodInfo Method, Object[] Values)
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand();
command.Connection = Connection;
command.CommandText = Method.Name;
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
ParameterInfo[] methodParameters = Method.GetParameters();
int index = 0;
foreach (ParameterInfo paramInfo in methodParameters)
SqlParameter sqlParameter = new SqlParameter();
sqlParameter.ParameterName = paramInfo.Name;
sqlParameter.ParameterName = "@" + sqlParameter.ParameterName;
sqlParameter.Value = Values[index];
command.Parameters.Add(ReturnValueParameterName, SqlDbType.Int).Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;
return command;

data Employee

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using ProjectHistoryCollector.Bussiness;

namespace ProjectHistoryCollector.DataAccess
public class DataEmployee:ConnectToData
//Add Employee
public void sp_Add_Employee(string EmployeeId, string Employeename, string EmployeeDescriptions)
//Employee employee = new Employee();
SQLCommandGeneral s = new SQLCommandGeneral();
SqlCommand myCommand = s.GenerateCommand(myConnection, (MethodInfo)MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), new Object[] { EmployeeId, Employeename, EmployeeDescriptions});



using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Reflection;

namespace ProjectHistoryCollector.DataAccess
public class ConnectToData
//private const string ConnectString = "Data Source=EDNAWS_063\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=sidata;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=vansi;Password=123456789";

public ConnectToData()
{ }

private const string ConnectString = "Data Source=EDNAWS_063\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=sidata;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=vansi;Password=123456789";
public SqlConnection myConnection;
public void OpenConnection()
myConnection = new SqlConnection(GetDBConnectionString());
if (myConnection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
catch(Exception ee)

public string GetDBConnectionString()
return ConnectString;

DataSet ConvertDataReaderToDataSet(SqlDataReader reader)
DataSet objDataSet = new DataSet();

while (reader.NextResult())

return objDataSet;

public DataTable ConvertDataReaderToDataTable(SqlDataReader reader)

DataTable objDataTable = new DataTable();
int intFieldCount = reader.FieldCount;
int intCounter;
for (intCounter = 0; intCounter <= intFieldCount - 1; intCounter++)
objDataTable.Columns.Add(reader.GetName(intCounter), reader.GetFieldType(intCounter));

Object[] objValues = new object[intFieldCount];
while (reader.Read())
objDataTable.LoadDataRow(objValues, true);
return objDataTable;

//private const string ConnectString = "Data Source=EDNAWS_063\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=sidata;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=vansi;Password=123456789";
//SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connString);

//public void Open()
// try
// {
// conn.Open();
// }
// catch (Exception ex)
// {
// Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex);
// }
//public void Close()
// try
// {
// conn.Close();
// }
// catch (Exception e)
// {
// Console.WriteLine("Error: " + e);
// }


Free ware web

Tips and Words 14

Tip of the Day: 66 Out of / Into

-> Use the preposition combination "out of" when exiting a building. Use the preposition "into" when entering a building.

Example Sentences:

• She drove the car into the garage.
• He walked out of the shop and saw Peter.

Word of the Day: 66 succeed - verb

-> to reach a goal or thing desired; to produce a planned result

Example Sentences:

• I hope you succeed in your new job.
• Do you know if that venture succeeded?

Tip of the Day: 67 Like / As

-> Use "as" to indicate function, use "like" to indicate similarity.

Example Sentences:

• She looks like my sister.
• He works as an accountant at the local bank.

Word of the Day: 67 vehicle - noun

anything on or in which a person or thing can travel or be transported, especially anything on wheels; a car or truck

Example Sentences:

• Which type of vehicle did the company purchase?
• We need to get a new vehicle for garbage disposal.

Tip of the Day: 68 Question Tags

Use the opposite of the auxiliary for a question tag.

Example Sentences:

• She enjoys wine, doesn't she?
• They haven't been to Paris before, have they?

Word of the Day: 68 float - verb

to be on water without sinking; to move or be moved gently on water or through air

Example Sentences:

• Did you know that apples float on water?
• Despite its huge size, the boat floated effortlessly.

Word of the Day: 69 dig - verb

-> to make a hole in the ground

Example Sentences:

• Dig the holes for the posts in the backyard.
• Could you dig that hole a little deeper?

Tip of the Day: 69 Did?

-> The question form of the simple past is "did + Subject + verb (without to)".

Example Sentences:

• When did she finish the lesson?
• Where did they go on vacation?

Tip of the Day: 70 Future Intentions

Use "be going to" to ask about future intentions.

Example Sentences:

• When are you going to finish that report?
• What is she going to study at university?

Word of the Day: 70 crowd - noun

-> a large number of people gathered in one place

Example Sentences:

• A large crowd came to the politician's speech last night.
• Let's not go there today. The crowd looks huge!

Rule 5

Hi. How are you today? Are you having a great day? I'm doing well.

Today I'm back to explain Rule 5. I hope you are enjoying these emails :)
On Day 2, I told you never to study grammar rules. But, of course, you want to use correct English grammar.

Maybe you are thinking, "How can I learn English grammar if I don't study English grammar rules?"
Well, today I will tell you.

I will teach you a way to learn grammar naturally. Use this method and your grammar will improve automatically. You will automatically use the correct verb tense. You won't think. You won't try.

**Rule 5: A Story

Miyuki did very well on grammar tests. She knew all of the grammar rules. She knew English verbs.

But Miyuki had a problem. She couldn't USE the grammar in a real conversation. She could explain the past tense, but when speaking, she would say "Yesterday I GO to school".

Miyuki was confused. How could her grammar tests be so good, but her speaking so bad?

Miyuki said:

"Before Effortless English, I knew all the grammar rules, but I couldn't speak correctly. I couldn't feel English grammar. After using Point of View stories, I feel it and use it correctly.
Now my grammar is great when I speak. I never think about it, I just automatically use correct grammar. Thank you A.J.!"

Miyuki learned this grammar naturally. She never studied grammar rules. How did she do it?
First she listened to a short story in the present tense. She listened to it everyday.

Then, she listened to the exact SAME story-- but this time it started with "10 years ago...." She learned to "feel" the past tense by listening to this story.

Next, I gave her the exact same story. This time, it started with "Since 2004..." Miyuki learned to FEEL the perfect tenses by listening to this story.

Finally, I gave her the exact same story... beginning with "Next year". She learned to FEEL the future tense simply by listening to this story.

***RULE 5: Use Point Of View Mini-Stories

I call these stories "Point Of View Mini-Stories". They are the most powerful way to learn and use English grammar automatically.

Use Point of View Stories for Automatic Grammar
Use Point of View Stories for Automatic Grammar

You must learn grammar by listening to real English. The best way is to listen to the same story... told in different times (points of view): Past,Perfect, Present, Future.

How do you do this? Easy! Find a story or article in the present tense.
Then ask your native speaker tutor to write it again in the Past, with Perfect tenses, and in the Future. Finally, ask him to read and record these stories for you.

Then you can listen to stories with many different kinds of grammar. You don't need to know the grammar rules. Just listen to the Point of View stories and you will improve grammar automatically!

You can also find Point of View lessons and use them to learn grammar automatically.

It is powerful. It is simple. It is successful. You will succeed. You will use correct grammar naturally and automatically.

This is the secret to English grammar.

**How To Learn Real English

In the next email, I will tell you how to avoid textbooks and learn only real English.

I guarantee you will succeed. Don't quit. You can do it :)

Have a great day!
Good luck with your English learning,
A.J. Hoge
Effortless English

Rule 4

Hi. Its me again ;) I hope you are feeling good and are enjoying the 7 Rules Email Course. Here's rule 4.

**Rule 4: A Story

Hyun, a student from Korea, said:

"Im a very serious student. When studying English in Korea, I memorized 50,000 English words for a big test. Fifty Thousand!

My problem was-- I couldn't USE them. I could pass an English test. But I could not understand native speakers. With Effortless English, I learned to instantly understand English. I learned
how to automatically use vocabulary. After 6 months, I could speak easily. I didn't need to think.
Thanks so much!"

**RULE 4: Slow, Deep Learning Is Best

Hyun learned a lot of words in a short time. Her learning was short and shallow. That's why she quickly forgot the words. That's why she could not use them.

The secret to speaking easily is to learn every word & phrase DEEPLY.
Its not enough to know a definition. Its not enough to remember for a test. You must put the word deep into your brain.

To speak English easily, you must repeat each lesson many times.

You must learn English deeply.
Learn deeply, speak easily.
Learn deeply, speak easily.

How do you learn deeply? Easy-- just repeat all lessons or listening many times. For example, if you have an audio book, listen to the first chapter 30 times before you go to the second chapter. You could listen to the first chapter 3 times each day, for 10 days.

**Deep Learning Of Grammar

What about grammar? How do you learn it deeply, without studying grammar rules?
I'll tell you in the next email.

Have a great day :)
A.J. Hoge

Effortless English

PS: Mona Hassan of Palestine wrote:
"I downloaded many English lessons and everyday I listen to them 1 hour
a day. In short -THEY'RE GREAT!"

Rule 3

Hi! This is A.J. again, with the next day of your 7 Rules Email Course. I really enjoy emailing you and helping you improve English.

Today is the most important rule.

Most schools ignore it.

**Rule 3: A Story

Humberto is from Venezuela. He moved to Canada a few years ago. He studied English in Venezuela for many years-- mostly grammar.

In fact, Humberto learned English with his eyes- by reading textbooks, by studying grammar books, by remembering word lists.

He thought his English was good. But when he came to Canada he was surprised and shocked-- he couldn't understand anyone!

He joined an English school in Canada. He went to school everyday.

What did they teach him? More textbooks, more grammar books, more word lists!

After 12 months of school, Humberto was angry and frustrated. The school cost over $10,000 for one year-- but he still could not speak English. He didn't know what to do.

He said:

"I couldn't believe it A.J. After one year, I still couldn't speak English. I told the teacher, 'this is a waste of time'. I was very upset.

Thank God I found a better way. Now I can speak English. I understand native speakers. I talk to Canadians every day. I feel confident. I can't believe I wasted so much time with schools... and so much money too!"

**RULE 3: The Most Important Rule-- Listen First

What is the rule that Humberto found? Simple. The rule is listening.
Listening, listening, listening.

Rule 1

Hi. How are you doing today? I'm writing because you asked for my 7-
Day email course and you want to improve your English.

This Email Course is sent only to subscribers.
To unsubscribe, go to {!remove_web}

My name is A.J. Hoge. I live in San Francisco, USA. I am an English teacher. I have a Masters egree in Teaching English. I enjoy travel, SCUBA diving, motorcycle riding, movies, and learning Spanish.

I will teach you a new method for learning. I will teach you how to study-- to speak English faster and more easily.

***Your First Suggestion

Imagine speaking English automatically... without thinking. The words come out of your mouth easily, and fast. You understand instantly.

To do this, you must change the way you study English. Your first action is to stop studying English words. What?

Stop studying English words.

That's right, do not memorize words. Native speakers do not learn English by remembering single words. Native speakers learn phrases.

Phrases are GROUPS of words that naturally go together.

**Learn 4x Faster

Research by Dr. James Asher proves that learning with phrases is 4-5 times faster than studying individual words. 4-5 Times Faster.

Also, students who learn phrases have much better grammar.

English Karaoke, ABBA, Thank you for the music

English Karaoke, Lemon_Tree_Fools _Garden

Fool's Garden Lemon Tree Lyrics:
I’m sitting here in a boring room
It’s just another rainy Sunday afternoon
I’m wasting my time, I got nothing to do
I’m hanging around, I’m waiting for you
But nothing ever happens – and I wonder
I’m driving around in my car
I’m driving too fast, I’m driving too far
I’d like to change my point of view
I feel so lonely, I’m waiting for you
But nothing ever happens, and I wonder

I wonder how, I wonder why
Yesterday you told me ‘bout the blue blue sky
And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree
I’m turning my head up and down
I’m turning, turning, turning,
turning, turning around
And all that I can see is just a another lemon tree
dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dee, dah, dah,
dah, dah, dah, dah, dee, dah, dah,
[ Find more Lyrics at www.mp3lyrics.org/bq ]
dah, di, di, di, dah
I’m sitting here, I miss the power
I’d like to go out taking a shower
But there’s a heavy cloud inside my head
I feel so tired, put myself into bed
Well, nothing ever happens – and I wonder
Isolation is not good for me
Isolation – I don’t want to – sit on a lemon tree
I’m stepping around in a desert of joy
Baby anyhow I’ll get another toy
And everything will happen – and you’ll wonder

I wonder how I wonder why
Yesterday you told me ‘bout the blue, blue sky
And all that I can see
Is just another lemon tree
I turn my head up and down…….
turning, turning, turning, turning, turning around
And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree
And I wonder, I wonder!

I wonder how, I wonder why,
Yesterday you told me ‘bout the blue blue sky
And all that I can see
And all that I can see (dit dit dit)
And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree

Mingoville's Body Song - Learn English the Fun Way

Learn English Through Songs, Lesson 1

Tips and Words

Tips and Words 1
Tips and Words 2
Tips and Words 3
Tips and Words 4
Tips and Words 5
Tips and Word 6
Tips and Word 7
Tips and Word 8
Tips and Word 9
Tips and Word 10
Tips and Word 11
Tips and Word 12
Tips and Words 13

Tips and Words 13

Tip of the Day: 61 Than

-> For comparisons between two objects use the comparative form followed by "than".

Example Sentences:

• English is easier to learn than Russian.
• Children are more nimble than adults.

Word of the Day: 61 mercy - noun

-> kindness toward those who should be punished; the power to be kind or to pardon.
-> Without any protection against; helpless before:

Example Sentences:

• Please show mercy on your prisoners.
• The warrior promised no mercy.

Tip of the Day: 62 Could - Was Able To

-> "Could" is the past of can which expresses ability and permission. "Was able to" expresses the same idea, but is often used for a specific situation.

Example Sentences:

• She couldn't attend that class last semester.
• He wasn't able to buy tickets for the concert on Saturday.

Word of the Day: 62 lonely - adjective

-> feeling alone and wanting friends; visited by few or no people

Example Sentences:

• Living in the woods can lead to feeling lonely.
• I hope you aren't lonely in your new location.

Tip of the Day: 63 Future Predictions

-> We use the future with "will" to make future predictions.

Example Sentences:

• I doubt she will the election next year.
• Who do you think will win the game?

Word of the Day: 63 seize - verb

-> to take quickly by force; to take control of quickly; to arrest

Example Sentences:

• The police seized the contraband at the border.
• He seized the computer controls and took command of the situation.

Tip of the Day: 64 In Front Of - Behind / Before - After

-> "In front of" indicates physical space. The opposite is "behind". "Before" indicates time. The opposite is "after".

Example Sentences:

• He stood in front of the class.
• Let's have lunch before the meeting.

Word of the Day: 64 fair - adjective

-> just; honest; what is right

Example Sentences:

• Remember be fair. It's not about winning.
• The judge was extremely fair in his sentence

Word of the Day 65: evaporate - verb

-> to change from a liquid into a gas

Example Sentences:

• The water evaporated in the hot summer sun.
• How quickly does salt water evaporate?

Tip of the Day: 65 Present Perfect Passive Voice

-> "Have been made / done / built " is the present perfect passive form used for actions completed up to the present moment in time.

Example Sentences:

• All the assignments have been completed on time.
• This product has been manufactured in Iowa since 1943.
