Words And Tips 5

Tip of the Day: 21 His

-> The possessive pronoun form of he is "his" - both when followed by a noun and by itself - It is his book. The book is his.

Example Sentences:

• I think that's his car.
• That house over there is his.

Word of the Day: 21 distance - noun

-> the amount of space between two places or objects ("The distance from my house to your house is two kilometers.")

Example Sentences:

• It's quite a distance to the next town.
• What's the distance between your house and your neighbor?

Tip of the Day: 22 The Verb "to Mind"

-> The verb "mind" is followed by the gerund - ing - form of the verb.

Example Sentences:

- He doesn't mind working late.
- Would you mind giving me a hand?

Word of the Day: 22 incident - noun

-> an event or something that happens

Example Sentences:

• A strange incident happened to me on my way to work this morning.
• The judge fined everyone involved in the incident.

Tip of the Day: 23 First Conditional

-> In the first conditional, use the simple present in the if clause and the future with will in the result clause.

Example Sentences:

• If you finish that book, we'll get you a new one.
• She'll move to Oregon if she gets a new job.

Word of the Day: 23 interfere - verb

-> to get in the way of; to work against; to take part in the activities of others, especially when not asked to do so

Example Sentences:

• Her mother constantly interfered with her work.
• I don't mean to interfere, but don't you think that's too expensive.

Tip of the Day: 24 Present Perfect with "For"

-> Use the present perfect with the time expression "for" to express a period of time up to the present moment.

Example Sentences:

• She's played tennis for ten years.
• I've known him for many years

Word of the Day: 24 swallow - verb

-> to take into the stomach through the mouth

Example Sentences:

• He swallowed the rest of his sandwich and got in the taxi.
• That bite is too big to swallow

Tip of the Day: 25 Had to

-> "Had to" is the past of both "have to" and "must".

Example Sentences:

• John had to get up early to catch the train last week.
• He said he had to leave.

Word of the Day: 25 headquarters - noun

-> the center from which orders are given; the main offices of a business or organization

Example Sentences:

• Our headquarters are located in London.
• My boss flew back to headquarters for the quarterly meeting

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