Tips and Words 8

Tip of the Day: 36 The Basics of "At"

-> Use "at" with times of the day and places in a city.

Example Sentences:

• I'll meet you at three o'clock.
• Let's meet at the bank.

Word of the Day: 36 negotiate/ni'gouʃieit/or / (ni-go'-she-at')/ - verb

-> to talk about a problem or situation to find a common solution

Example Sentences:

• I need to negotiate a raise.
• If we negotiate a fair deal, we'll have a great year.

Tip of the Day: 37 Ask

-> The verb "ask" plus an object is constructed "S + ask + person being asked + infinitive with to".

Example Sentences:

• She asked him to repeat the question.
• My friend asked me to come early to the meeting.

Word of the Day: 37 skill - noun

-> the ability gained from training or experience

Example Sentences:

• His considerable skills helped him find a new job.
• Do you have any gardening skills?

Tip of the Day: 38 Since

-> Use the present perfect (continuous) with the time expression "since" when using a specific date or time.

Example Sentences:

• He's lived in that house since 1998.
• They've been playing golf since ten this morning.

Word of the Day: 38 pure - adjective

-> free from anything that is different or that reduces value; clean

Example Sentences:

• You can drink from that bottle. The water is pure.
• This gold is almost 99% pure.

Tip of the Day: 39 On

-> Use "on" with days of the week. However, in British English use "at the weekend".

Example Sentences:

• I'll see you on Tuesday.
• Let's meet on Sunday.

Word of the Day: 39 owe - verb

-> to pay or have to repay (usually money) in return for something received

Example Sentences:

• Can you pay for lunch? I'll owe you.
• He owes Tom $60.

Tip of the Day: 40 Look Like

-> Use "look like" to ask for a physical description.

Example Sentences:

• What does your brother look like?
• He looks like Brad Pitt.

Word of the Day: 40 ground - noun

-> Adverb Usage Quiz

Example Sentences:

• We prepared the ground to plant our garden.
• The ground is very wet over there.
