Some Any | Bestow | 002

Use of Any and Some

Read the conversation below:

Barbara: Is there_any | milk left?
Katherine: Yes, there_is some | in the bottle on the table.
Barbara: Would you like | some milk?
Katherine: No, thank you. I don't think | I'll drink | any tonight. Could I have some water, please?
Barbara: Sure. There|_is some_in | the fridge.

Barbara: Do you know | anybody | who | comes from China?
Katherine: Yes, I think there_is someone | who | is Chinese | in my English class.
Barbara: Great, could you ask | him | some questions | for me?
Katherine: No problem. Is there | anything special | you want me | to ask?
Barbara: No, I don't have_anything_in particular_in mind. Maybe | you could ask him |some questions | about life in China. Is that OK?
Katherine: I would be happy | to do that | for you.

Look at the chart below:

SOME We use | "some" | in positive sentences. We use some | for both | countable and uncountable nouns. Example: I have | some friends.

ANY We use | "any" | in negative sentences or questions. We use_any | for both countable and uncountable nouns. Example: Do you have_any cheese? - He doesn't have_any friends_in Chicago.

EXCEPTION! We use "some" in questions when offering or requesting something that_is there. Example: Would you like some bread? (offer) - Could I have some water? (request)

ANY We use "any" in negative sentences or questions. We use any for both countable and uncountable nouns.Example: Do you have any cheese? - He doesn't have_any friends | in Chicago.

We use "some" words - somebody, someone, somewhere and something - in positive sentences. Example: He lives somewhere near here.

We use "any" words - anybody, anyone, anywhere and anything - in negative sentences or questions. Example: Do you know| anything_about | that boy? - She doesn't have | anywhere to go.

I can't buy you | a drink. I haven't got_any money.
I want to wash | my hair/heə/. Is there_any shampoo/ʃæm'pu:/.
I'm going to | the post_office | to get some stamp.
Can you speak_any | foreign language?
I haven't got | my camera, so I can't take_any | photographs.
Sorry | we're late. We had some problems | with the car.
Everybody | was standing | because/bi'kɔz/
| there weren't any chairs/tʃeə/ | in the ball/hɔ:l/.
It's hot_in this_office. I'm going_out | for some fresh air.
Why | isn't the radio | is working? Are there_any batteries/'bætəri/?
Can i have | some_in my coffee, please?
Yesterday evening | i went to the restaurant | with | some friends of mine.
Would you like | some cheese? No, thank you. I've had_enough to eat.

She said something | but | I didn't understand it.
What's wrong? There's something | in my eyes.
Do you know | anybody about politics/'pɔlitiks/?
I went to the shop | but | i didn't buy anything.
Somebody has broken/'broukən/ window | but | i don't know who?
There isn't_in the box. It's empty.
I'm looking for | my keys. Has anyone | seen them?
Would you like | something to drink?
I didn't eat anything | because | I wasn't hungry.
I can do this job | alone. I don't need_anybody | to help me.

Daily Pronunciation 2 - Learn A New English Word Everyday!

PobEnglish: Learn English 02 - Time time time
